Annual Finale Event: Dawn Diamond Fest "Adamantine Voyage"
To explore diamonds, how about starting from geology, culture, and history?

Dawn has the honour to invite Mr. Lustre to show you his diamond-related collection over the decades. Together with our partnering brands, this winter at "Dawn Diamond Fest", we are introducing a wide array of diamond jewellery and the stories behind them.
In every two weeks, there will be a new chapter and theme featuring different brands. During this time, Mr. Lustre is hosting a special exhibition to lead you to his grand diamond voyage - from the great geographical discovery to the history and development of diamonds!
Diamond exclusive collection + shopping + special exhibition, together let’s start the "Adamantine Voyage"
Date: Dec 1, 2022 - Jan 15, 2023
Time: 12-7pm
Venue: 275, Mira Place Two, Tsim Sha Tsui
Preview: Dec 1-2 (Thu-Fri) *by invitation or by appointment only
Dawn Diamond Fest — Adamantine Voyage
Chapter I: Past & Present
Brand Featuring: Lustre Adamantine (Antique Diamond) | AbHerï | Pink Halo (Argyle Pink Diamond)
1 Dec - 16 Dec
Chapter II: Contemporary Design in Hong Kong
Brand Featuring: Sunsmith | Aimee Lee
17 Dec - 30 Dec
Chapter III: Colourful Diamonds
Featuring: Lustre Adamantine (Fancy Colour Diamond) | Leen Heyne | Niessing
31 Dec - 15 Jan


尖沙咀彌敦道118號美麗華廣場二期 2 樓 275 & 281 號舖
+852 2367 2231

銅鑼灣恩平道 17 號 1 樓
+852 2367 0989

中環皇后大道中 80 號H Queen's 17 樓 1701
